About Me

Name: Laura Walker

Age: 19

Profession: Poor College Student (Majoring in Theatre Arts)

Intrests: Web Comics (Just check the link page for the ones I follow regularly!), Theatre (heh, obviously), Anime and Manga (Despite poorness getting in the way of supporting that particular addiction), Food (Grocery shopping makes me happy now), Sleep (Never enough of it lately)... I'm too lazy to think up anymore, so that's me in a nutshell.

General Bio: I'm really flattered anyone might be reading this. I've finally got the comic updating regularly and I hope you enjoy it. I'll fill this part with a rant some day, but for today my creativity was eaten up by the interests section.

Contact Information: jedilioness@hotmail.com I love feedback, feel free to e-mail me or send me cool stuff. ^.^